Colored Heat Reflective Paint

Colored Heat Reflective Paint

ISHAAN INDUSTRIES presents the Colored Heat Reflective Paint, which is developed by ICT, one of the world’s top Chemical Technology Institutes, using our expertise in material science and chemical dynamics. Colored Heat Reflective Paint is a cost-effective and environment-friendly, premium exterior paint, having high thermal properties which are duly tested in lab and field to protect you from the heat.  Our product is designed to combat overheating in metal or asbestos or flat roof building. This paint lasts much longer than 7 years.


  1. Flat Roof Buildings
  2. Exterior south/south west / west facing walls in buildings exposed to radiation


  1. Warehouses, workshops and garages
  2. Hotels and Restaurants
  3. Shops, Dairies
  4. Farm Houses
  5. Kennels and Stables
  6. Silos, metal tanks, and canopies
  7. Concrete pathways around temples
  8. Swimming pool decks
  9. Handrails
  10. Overhead water tanks and pipelines


Highly reflective in the near infra-red (non-visible) portion of the solar spectrum, thus keeping interiors cool during hot summer months

Type : Liquid (Water based). Pack Sizes 20 Ltr, 10 Ltr, 4 Ltr, 1 Ltr and 200 ml.
